June Progress Goal: Reading

I used to not be a big fan of reading. Until about seventh grade when I read a book that I really loved. That book was Eragon by Christopher Paolini. I know, it’s not the most insightful or life-changing book on the planet but it did make reading fun for me. Ever since then I have been a voracious reader (I love that word, voracious).
Anyway, it often get’s hard to consistently remind myself to read when there is so much else going on and so many other things that need to get done. In the past, I’ve had weeks where I read a ton of books and then kind of slack off for the rest of the year. But that’s really not the best way to get a lot of reading done.
So, this month, I’m going to put in a concentrated effort into reading a little bit each day. My goal is 25 pages a day and I’m planning to break it into 13 pages in the morning and 12 pages at night. I’m doing this because 12 pages is so little that it’s almost a laughable number. So there’s no way I can make up excuses of being too busy not to read just that much at a time. Or at least that’s the idea.
Although I already failed on the first day, June 1, when I only read 12 pages. But I’m trying to make up for it by reading a little bit more today.
25 pages might not seem like that much, but it adds up to a lot. By the end of the month I should have read a total of 750 pages! The first book on my list is Blink by Malcom Gladwell. But after that I have no absolute plans so if you are reading this and you have any good book recommendations, please let me know!
Here’s to a month of reading good books.
P.S. It’s not too late to start your own monthly project or join me in reading more, even if it’s just 10 pages a day. June has just begun!