What I’ve Learned in 1 Month of Working Out

I’m so pumped that it’s already been a month and I’ve managed to complete my first goal. I think what’s especially fun about this project is that when you set yourself a specific time frame, it allows you to reflect back on the process. So, here are a few things I’ve learned this past month.
Weight Means Nothing
Although I had this in the back of my mind from the beginning and pledged not to weigh myself throughout the month, I still had an ingrained belief that the numbers on the scale meant something important. But, after talking to my friend Nancy Hafez (you can read more about our conversation here) and seeing my own progress, that myth was really busted for me. Through the month, I think I lost a whopping total of 1 lb! But I can definitely feel a difference in the way some of my clothes fit. And through tracking my workouts, I can see the improvement in how much I am able to lift.
It’s all in Your Mind
In my chat with Nancy, she mentioned that she started doing cardio at 5:00 in the morning and felt great doing it. When I first heard this I thought that was crazy, who would do that to themselves? But after stumbling upon David Goggins’ podcast with Joe Rogan and creating my anti-bucket list, I noticed a change in my attitude. I realized the only thing stopping me from being the kind of person who wakes up at 5:00 am to go running is the fact that I didn’t wake up at 5:00 am and go running. It seems simple, but this was kind of a break through for me. I didn’t have to be faster or run longer than anyone else, I just had to get up and go do it.
People can be Great
Since starting this blog and this project, I’ve gotten some messages from friends that have been really encouraging. Even just the opportunity to reconnect with a friend from high school and have a really nice conversation was amazing. So, thank you so much for reading this and supporting the process. If you haven’t already I hope you’ll sign up for my newsletter and keep up with my progress.
I can’t wait for everything I’ll learn this month!