July Progress Goal: Skateboarding

About a year ago I started reading the book Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. I never finished the book, but one concept from it that has stuck with me since is the concept of play. In the first couple of chapters the authors argue against society’s idea of work-life balance. Instead they propose that life is actually a balance composed of four different categories: love, play, work, and health. These areas of focus are not competing with each other, as in the seemingly never-ending tug of war that is work-life balance, but complementing each other to make a full life.
When I first examined my own life against these four spheres, I noticed that one was severely lacking—play. Outside of developmental psychology and studies of children no one really talks about the importance of play or doing something fun just for the sake of doing it.
So, this month I just want to do something fun and work on a skill that will in no way help me in life. I want to learn how to skateboard. Wish me luck!