September Progress Goal: Piano

I really love music and it’s something I always wanted to be good at but never put the time and effort into. So, this month I am going to try to teach myself the basics of piano.
It’s funny because my cousin majored in music and owns her own piano studio. So, in preparation for this month’s goal I asked her where I should start if I wanted to teach myself piano. She said I should start by finding a teacher.
At first, I was kind of disappointed by this response. But she explained that in her experience it’s very hard to maintain the discipline of daily practice that it takes to get good at the instrument without an instructor and weekly lessons to keep you accountable. But I decided that I wouldn’t let that stop me. She could doubt my stick-to-itiveness. I would just let that motivate me more to learn on my own and keep up a daily practice routine.
Hopefully I’m not being too full of myself and I can prove that I can learn something in this month so that next time I visit I can play a couple songs for her on the piano.