Creating Healthy Eating Habits by Starting a Food Journal

I’ve long struggled with my eating habits and maintaining a healthy physique. It seems that for months at a time I will be dedicated to being fit and then somehow or other I’ll suddenly fall off the band wagon and lose the progress I had made.
I believe much of this stems from an unhealthy relationship with and dependence on food as a means of comfort in times of stress.
So, in an effort to change my eating habits, I’ve decided to start a food journal where I’ll log what I’m eating each day, when, and how I’m feeling at the time. I believe the best way to fix a problem is to get at its root. And that can only be done if the source is properly identified.
By tracking my eating habits, I hope to discover exactly how I’m fueling my body and why. Hopefully I’ll gain some insight into possible triggers of emotional or unhealthy eating and then be better able to address them.
I don’t expect the habit of tracking my food intake to last into the considerable future (unlike the habit of making my bed). But, I do hope that this method will help me to create healthier eating habits that I will be able to sustain long into the future.