Welcome to Progress Making

Hey, welcome! I’m really glad you clicked whatever link you did to bring you here. Time is valuable so I appreciate you spending some of it here.
Before you get in too deep I want to make a few confessions. I don’t have it all figured out and I don’t know everything. Actually, I think I pretty much know next to nothing. Most of the ideas and inspiration I share here I got from other people who have it a lot more together than I do.
But, that’s kind of the whole point of this. Earlier this moth after tracking my mood since the start of 2019, I started to notice a pattern. I was slipping into a zombie-like state of melancholy. One day just seemed to blend into the next and everything was pointless, as you can see from all of the gray.

So, I decided to do something, anything about it. I had been thinking about creating a website or blog for a while but it just didn’t seem possible. A million other people had already done it and done it way better than I had, so what was the point?
But then I realized maybe that is the point. To produce something unpolished and in progress and show how progress can be made on it just by working a little bit at a time. This idea sparked a little light in me, a little hope. Something I hadn’t really been feeling in a while. Which is why I decided to make Progress Making.
The main idea is to take on a monthly goal and share my progress. (I first got this idea from Matt Cutts’ TedTalk which you should really watch if you haven’t already.) I also explore concepts like healthy eating, productivity, hopelessness, imperfection and not having it all together. I know that I will probably fail at some or even many of the goals that I set at first but that’s also the goal. To show that life is messy but it continues and by picking myself back up and picking up where I left off I can still accomplish things.
I’m also hoping to talk to you! If you’re a student at Georgetown or live in DC I’d love to meet up. If you’re working on a cool project that’s in progress or you want to start a project and don’t know where to begin I’d be really interested to hear about it. Just leave me a comment, connect with me on social media, or sign up to get emails from me about what I’m reading and how to stay motivated.
Thanks again for being here, I hope to hear from you soon.
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